Creativity takes courage

From the Headmaster’s Desk: 5 May 2023

Mr Hammond


Creativity has been king over the past two weeks at Abercorn, with our growth mind-set really coming to the fore. Arts week is a celebration of all things creative, with trips to the Tate Modern trip, percussion exhibitions, piano recitals and a huge range of other artistic endeavours included. Senior pupils saw Matilda (in advance of our superior production in June and following Winnie the Pooh for the Lower School last week) or the Play That Goes Wrong. There was even a talent show for Years 2-9. Well done to all who have organised and taken part, especially those teachers who were brave/foolish enough to perform in front of over 100 people!

Balloon animals aside (lovingly distributed by Hammond-Oomeer minor), this week I have enjoyed teaching Year 2 about coins (thank you for my lovely card) and also ordered a new chess set and tournament clock for the library – proof that, if you ask with a hand-written persuasive letter, you will receive. Said game will be presented next week in assembly.

Today marked our Coronation Celebration, following a week of lessons focusing on the theme, and the children (and staff) have enjoyed a very special classic lunch – coronation chicken and Victoria sponge abounded. With a hurrah to Charles III, Abercorn minds move on to the APA Fayre on Saturday 13th May and the Senior School Open House on Tuesday 16th May.

We are delighted with the development of our Senior School since Easter and are looking forward to welcoming you all to our Open House event on Tuesday 16th May, from 5 to 6:30pm at our new premises on 60 Paddington Street. The evening will be an opportunity to celebrate our expansion into Senior School and mark an exciting new chapter in Abercorn’s long history as a progressive, family led school.

All families, their children and any guests you would like to bring are very welcome to attend the event. As current Abercorn families, you are more than welcome to bring more than the 2 guests stated on the form. If you would like to attend or to ask any questions in advance, please click on “sign up here” by RSVPing here by Friday 12th May.

All pupils in Years 6 and above are expected to attend the event, and will be kept at school at the end of the day to have a light sandwich tea before the event. We hope that you will attend the event, but if you are unable to attend, all children must be collected promptly at 6:30pm. If you are a family in Year 6 or above, as well as RSVPing using the link above, to give permission for your child to attend the event, please click here by Friday 12th May. I note I only have two replies thus far, so please do sign up as it will help us to put arrangements in place in advance.

I shall close with the second in a series of reviews of the Senior School. Remember – I am always looking for volunteers and have a steady stream arriving at my office door. Sebastian in Year 4 is the author of this week’s piece and he writes (verbatim)…

Things about the new senior school that I like

First, I like the new playground! It’s closer, which means we don’t use time on the bus and use our playground time. And it’s more fun to play with because it has more things to play with.

Next, the new classrooms are great! Because it’s so much bigger than our older classroom and if it’s bigger then it means more space to work in and space is great for learning.

Also, l love the decorations! It makes the place look more lively and cool and while some decorations are for fun like the plants in the dining room, some are for learning like the posters in the music room.

Another thing, the new Senior School is gigantic, which means people have more space to walk in, to set up stuff. And every floor is bigger than the last one, and combined with another building makes senior school even bigger.

Lastly, I love the theatre because first, the seats are very comfortable which are good for any guests, and the hall is very big which makes it good for plays, rehearsals and auditions and watching anything from the seats like a play!

Thank you for reading about the things I like about the new school!!

Lovely stuff. I shall allow two exclamation marks on this occasion.

All the best (once again) for the long weekend - Mr Hammond

To see how busy a place our wonderful School is and for a more detailed look into all things Abercorn, follow us on social media; TwitterInstagram and Facebook offer a wide range of updates. My personal thoughts on educational life can be found @hammondteacher.


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