Listen up and I will teach you, a thing or two

From the Headmaster’s Desk: 16th June 2023

Mr Hammond


I hope this newsletter finds you in high spirits and filled with excitement as we reflect upon what has already been a spiffing Summer Term, with a highlight being the magnificent production of Matilda that took place in the Senior theatre last week. Along with our end-of-year Lower School concerts, our pupils have once again showcased their remarkable talents and dedication through a range of extraordinary productions.

I have a (not so) secret love for Matilda. A fine production, it also showcases one of literature’s finest teachers – Miss Trunchbull. A champion of rules (and the hammer throw) she instils discipline and good order; what more could you ask for from a Head? In all seriousness, all teachers want to be like Miss Honey. Passionate, kind and with the children’s interests at the heart of all that she does – without her, would Matilda find her inner power? Miss Honey would be in my School of Fiction teaching Reception – joining Sidney Poitier’s Mr Thackeray on the staff to create a team who do what is needed to get the very best outcomes for their pupils. Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer would be the librarian.

From the first note to the curtain call, Years 5 and 6 (with Year 7 guest starring) captivated the audience with their energy and passion. It was a true testament to their hard work, creativity, and the collaborative spirit that defines Abercorn. The production brings to life the magical story of a courageous and intelligent child who triumphs over adversity with the power of her imagination and love for learning – lovely stuff.

Our pupils’ commitment to this production was truly inspiring. Countless hours of rehearsals were invested by our dedicated cast and the crew and production team made up of my dedicated staff. Well done all round. The result was a lovely performance that transported us into a world filled with laughter, tears, and a profound appreciation for the resilience of the human spirit, and all performed with a glint in the eye.

Your support for events such as plays and concerts is a testament to the strength of our school community. In the arts, sport, Forest School and many other curricular and extra-curricular activities, we remain committed to providing our pupils with opportunities to explore their passions, develop their talents, and grow into well-rounded individuals for when they grow up.

To keep our end of term events in the forefront of your minds, the following list of dates will be a standing item for the rest of term. Please also keep an eye out for event-specific communication for any residential trips (Years 3 and above) and the following:

·       Year 8 and 9 lunch with the Head and Board, Wednesday 21st June;

·       Year 5-9 Prize Giving, Friday 23rd June;

·       Senior Sports Day, Monday 3rd July;

·       Sports Dinner, Tuesday 4th July;

·       Lower School Sports afternoon, Wednesday 5th July;

·       The last of term, Thursday 6th July.

All the best! Mr Hammond

To see how busy a place our wonderful School is and for a more detailed look into all things Abercorn, follow us on social media; TwitterInstagram and Facebook offer a wide range of updates. My personal thoughts on educational life can be found @hammondteacher.


Lower School Weekly News


Upper School Weekly News