Prizes and giving

From the Headmaster’s Desk: 23rd June 2023

Mr Hammond


‘Tis the season to celebrate, broadly and loudly. From Lower School end-of-year concerts to our Senior School Prize Giving, it is the time of the year for rounds of applause for the children and all they have accomplished. Bravo.

All end-of-year events, such as a concerts, sports day or awards ceremonies mark a significant milestone in the lives of our pupils (and school staff). It is a time to recognise and applaud accomplishments, both big and small, that have shaped the year. And what a year it has been; from academic success to artistic endeavour, athletic effort to personal progress, each achievement deserves its moment in the spotlight. Through collective applause and back patting, we honour the hard work, perseverance, and dedication that has propelled our pupils toward success.

Celebrating the (academic) year's end also allows us to cherish the friendships the pupils have made and to appreciate their diverse tapestry of talents, ideas, and perspectives that enrich our school family. Just today, Miss Bhandari led an assembly on EDI in all its forms, from culture and faith to ethnicity and LQBTIQA+, as pupils discussed the cultural dress they were wearing. Diversity, in all of its forms, is to be celebrated and Abercorn reflects its place in the modern city of London.

As we celebrate, it is essential to reflect and encourage. Effort trumps attainment every time and personal growth is the most important element of growing up. Abercorn is as interested in the scholar as we are the pupil who perseveres in all their subjects – doing your best is what is important. Work I always say “work hard” and not “good luck,” for we can make our own.

But, the year is not yet out, and there is still much to do. Let us celebrate our success with joy and a renewed sense of purpose for the last two weeks of term. To keep our end of term events in the forefront of your minds, the following list of dates will be a standing item for the rest of term. Next week is residential trips week, with Years 4 to 9 away from school and home for part or all of the week.

·       Senior Sports Day, Monday 3rd July;

·       Sports Dinner, Tuesday 4th July;

·       Lower School Sports afternoon, Wednesday 5th July;

·       The last of term, Thursday 6th July.

All the best for the weekend! Mr Hammond

To see how busy a place our wonderful School is and for a more detailed look into all things Abercorn, follow us on social media; TwitterInstagram and Facebook offer a wide range of updates. My personal thoughts on educational life can be found @hammondteacher.


Away fixtures


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