Nursery FAQs


What are the nursery hours?

Our nursery is run in two sessions, morning or afternoon, five days a week. These sessions run from 8.45-11.45am or from 12.30-3.30pm. A full day session is available from January each year for those who are ready for it. 

The nursery calendar is aligned with the whole school term dates.

What size is the nursery at Abercorn?

The nursery at Abercorn can accommodate up to 20 children in each session. Places are awarded based on registration date.

Are snacks or lunch provided?

The sessions are split in order that children can enjoy lunch at home, however we do ask that parents provide a healthy snack and drink for a mid-session break.

For children attending full day sessions, they will have school lunch prepared by our onsite catering team. You can find out more about nutrition at Abercorn here.


Does my child need to be toilet trained?

Yes, we do require all children joining the nursery to be toilet-trained as we do not have the appropriate facilities to change them. That said, we understand that accidents do happen at this early stage so sometimes may request parents provide the school with spare underwear and a change of bottoms.

Do the children take naps during the day?

We do not have a formal nap time, and prior to starting with us we encourage parents to set a nap time routine at home that works with their morning session in school. 

Our personal approach to settling our Nursery children into school ensures that they are settled into their morning sessions before they start for a full day. This usually means they are able to enjoy the day without a nap. If a child was showing signs of feeling tired we would of course make them comfortable and let them rest. We normally find the children are so engaged in their learning they have no time to nap.

What is the uniform for nursery children?

In nursery our children wear an Abercorn blue sweatshirt and jogging bottoms, with either a white polo shirt or turtle neck depending on the season. This uniform serves to unify the nursery, and the unrestrictive design of the clothing maximises freedom of play and movement.

What specialist activities will my child be doing at Abercorn?

We take great pride in being able to offer even our youngest pupils in Nursery the school specialist teaching in French, Music, P.E and Yoga. 

Swimming is introduced in Pre-Reception. 


Years 1 & 2


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