Years 1 & 2

Building a solid foundation for exploration and learning.


Whether new to Abercorn, or moving up from Reception, our team work collaboratively to ensure a smooth start for your child into Year 1 and beyond.

We follow the National Curriculum in Years 1 and 2 which involves a daily focus of phonics, English and Maths. Pupils focus on a new unit every couple of weeks. Skills from each unit, such as creative writing or multiplication are repeated each term to build on the children’s knowledge and understanding. Children will also have weekly Science, Religious Studies and PSHE lessons with their class teacher.

Our Year 1 and 2 teachers have a good understanding of both the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and the National Curriculum. The first term involves a settling in period where we intertwine both curricula. Play based enquiry, role play and practical activities are provided to aid the children’s knowledge and understanding.

We want pupils to experience the joy of discovery by solving problems and by being creative. Our Creative Curriculum encompasses Art, Design and Technology, History and Geography; of which the children will have a focus each half term, starting with Geography and Art in September. A topic web is provided to show our cross curricular approach and how children will be immersed in exciting opportunities. We hope to take part in workshops and trips outside school, linking to our topics.


Pre-Reception & Reception


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