Community and Charity

We pride ourselves on a sense of community that pervades beyond pick up and drop off and the school halls, to touch every aspect of the school.

Whether through class trips exploring the richness of London, or through events run by the Friends of Abercorn a spirit of warmth and connection is encouraged by all.

Charity and giving back form an important element of community at Abercorn, and is undertaken through various endeavours including fundraising efforts such as bake sales, sponsored swims, carol singing in Marylebone Station and a host of other initiatives, many of which are spearheaded by our students and serve to reinforce their life skills and appreciation for the world.

Each Autumn the pupils, parents and staff vote for the charity of their choice from a researched shortlist put together by pupils.

The school community will raise funds throughout the year for the top two chosen charities through sponsored events such as swimming galas and non-uniform days.

“Pupils enjoy excellent relationships with peers and adults alike and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent.”


Pupil Leadership