Lucy McDermott



Lucy is a class teacher and Head of Year 1 at Lower School.

Hailing from Surrey, Lucy has lived in London intermittently for 15 years, most recently in East London. Having studied at the University of the West of England, Lucy has taught for 15 years throughout the EYFS and Key Stage One, at various independent schools in London and Cheshire.

Lucy joined Abercorn in Autumn 2019, to be part of the Year 1 team. Lucy enjoys seeing the amazing progress children can make in a year, and planning a wide range of creative activities for them. Lucy’s teaching philosophy is using good Learning Habits and a Growth Mindset - we are all lifelong learners! Lucy became Head of Year 1 in 2020.

“In Year 1 we love our themes for the Creative Curriculum and immerse ourselves in each topic throughout all areas of learning!”

Qualifications: BA Initial Teacher Education (Primary), QTS


To find out more about our team or to arrange an appointment please contact


Chelsea Dicks


Jessica Patel